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Recommended Reading

Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness by Jon Kabat-Zinn


Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation: A 28-Day Program by Sharon Salzberg



Heal Thyself by Saki Santorelli



CALM*: A Proven Four-Step Process Designed Specifically for Women Who Worry by Denise Marek



Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Jerry and Esther Hicks

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay



The Breathing Book: Vitality & Good Health Through Essential Breath Work by Donna Farhi



The Key Poses of Yoga: Scientific Keys, Volume II by Ray Long and Chris Macivor



Eat-Taste-Heal: An Ayurvedic Cookbook for Modern Living by Thomas Yarema, Daniel Rhoda and Johnny Brannigan



The Complete Illustrated Guide to Shiatsu: The Japanese Healing Art of Touch for Health and Fitness by Elaine Lietchti





Samadhi  Meditation Cushions

Ting-sha Meditation Bells

Aura Cacia Essential Oils




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