Reiki FAQs

What is Reiki?

“Rei” (RAY) = Universal  + “Ki” (key) = Life Force Energy.
Reiki is an ancient technique used to promote deep relaxation and healing. Reiki is a simple, non-invasive therapy that gently balances life energies and brings health and well-being to the recipient.

What are the origins of Reiki?

In the 1870’s, Dr. Mikao Usui of Japan created a system of hand positions that correspond to the major energy centers in the body (e.g. chakras, meridians). These specific hand positions, inspired by ancient Sanskrit sutras and Eastern traditions of energy healing, encourage energy to flow freely throughout and surrounding the body. The process was later refined by one of Usui’s students, Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, who in turn passed on the Reiki practice to an American woman, Mrs. Hawayo Takata, in the late 1930’s. Because of political unrest during and after WWI, Reiki was not immediately embraced or practiced widely in the United States until the 1970’s. As with many Eastern traditions, Reiki is passed from Master to Student. Orange Energy’s Debra Klich has a Reiki lineage with just four Reiki Masters between her and Dr. Mikao Usui, the founder of this tradition.

What should I expect when I arrive at my Reiki session?

Each session begins with one-on-one consultation, where we will establish your purpose for coming to Reiki and what your current health and emotional status is on that day. Next, you’ll lie on a massage table, fully clothed, while the practitioner gently places their hands on or slightly above your body in a series of positions. Generally, it’s a peaceful environment with candles and soft music that is relaxing or uplifting. A full session will include you lying on your back and on your stomach. It typically lasts 60 to 80 minutes (including the consultation).

What will I feel during my Reiki session?

The experience will vary from client to client. Some do not feel anything during the session, while others report feeling the effects the next day. Some sensations you may feel during the session may include:

  • uncommon heat coming from the hands of the practitioner
  • buzzing, tingling or floating sensations
  • a warm, enveloped feeling
  • a revived sense of well-being
  • a tap into your reserves of energy
  • deep relaxation

How does Reiki work?

Research suggests that Reiki works much like hypnosis or a good night’s sleep, by invoking a sense of deep relaxation which allows your own body’s healing functions to work at their best.

Who benefits from Reiki?

Everyone has potential to benefit and experience better health through Reiki. Additionally, people such as the elderly or those who are sensitive to or dislike touch (or simply do not want to be unclothed or have oil on their skin) can find Reiki to be a wonderful alternative to massage, with similar health benefits.

How many sessions will I need?

In general, the longer you’ve had a problem, the longer it will take to relieve it. For general relaxation, one session will provide benefits. When addressing a specific pain or ailment, we recommend three initial sessions (scheduled approximately a week apart) and we’ll reassess from there.

What results and benefits can I expect after my Reiki sessions(s)?

Reiki creates a peaceful enveloped feeling of being nurtured.  Clients report the following benefits:

•    Deep relaxation
•    Increased vitality
•    Better sleep
•    Overall stress reduction
•    Relief of pain
•    Lowered blood pressure
•    Enhanced emotional balance and mastery
•    Improved immune system function
•    Reduced side effects from prescription medications and chemotherapy
•    Increased sense of well-being
•    Positive habit formation
•    Increased warm fuzzies

Can anyone learn/practice Reiki?

Yes, with practice and commitment anyone can learn to practice Reiki on themselves and others. Reiki is passed from master to student and, once you have become attuned, it will enrich your life daily.

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